Asset Intelligence and Management

Asset Intelligence and Management

EZOfficeInventory Blogs Asset Tracking Software App

Why your asset tracking software needs an on-the-go app!

6 ways mobile apps are revolutionizing asset management

Asset tracking software isn’t just for keeping records. Logging details as dynamically as possible has increasingly become a necessity, especially owing to how complicated some industry workflows, vendor communications, and maintenance schedules have become.

On-premise versions cost a lot in terms of deployment and other hidden infrastructural costs, with on-the-cloud solutions being generally preferred across industries. This is not only because they save you money, but also owing to the increased data security and flexibility they offer. A great off-shoot of cloud-based equipment management software is the ability to use apps allowing instant updates from the field. The fluidity this offers to any company’s operations can be really invaluable. Below, we discuss 6 ways asset management apps have revolutionized equipment tracking across industries.

asset management app

Reduce errors with immediate records

An asset management is a great tool to ensure you’re logging information as close to the original action as possible. Waiting to log details at a later point in time – once you have access to a computer, for example – can significantly lower the quality of information put into the system. Was that a telephoto camera lens or a wide angle? Did Jen have the Macbook on her or Soph? Questions like this might seem trivial in the grander scheme of things, but once they being stacking up they can greatly lower the accuracy of the reports you draw up, and even play havoc with maintenance schedules or future acquisition plans.

asset management app

Make use of asset tracking software features like scanning capabilities

The ability to scan items is a must-have for any asset tracking software worth its salt. This is especially true in the case of asset-intensive industries that need to process the checkin and checkout of thousands of items o a daily basis. Browsers apps can be integrated with third-party scanners, but the ability to use a QR Code and Barcode scanning app specifically created for asset management is a huge improvement over traditional methods. This is also helpful because you can scan items at a particular location, and later draw up an Asset Scans report that lets you audit all your inventory and equipment without any infrastructural costs at all!

equipment management app

Log details from the field

Whether you’re setting up equipment for a photo-shoot in a remote location, or organizing a mass gathering requiring hundreds of items to be moved from place to another, the ability to log the location of items is extremely important. Waiting to log details once you’re back can lead to confusion and even costly errors. This is why any robust equipment tracking app should let you input information wherever you are!

equipment tracking app

Bolster communication with simultaneous updates

Asset tracking software shouldn’t just log static details about equipment, but also enable you to create associations and linkages between vendors, items, maintenance staff, and so on. The great thing about asset management apps is that they let multiple members log and update information simultaneously. This ensures that different departments of an organization work together in perfect synchronicity. You could therefore have three different members adding to information about an item; the maintenance crew could update the servicing schedule, someone from Finance could draw up a report on depreciation, and another person entirely could check the item out all at the same time!

asset tracking software

Look up things at your own convenience

Of course, the most obvious benefit of asset management apps is how convenient they are. Most of us have our phones on us at all times, with a projected 6.1 billion of us slated to be using smartphones consistently by 2020. This is why any business application that neglects mobile users does itself a great disservice. You can now update company information between bursts of Angry Birds or checking your monthly calendar for meetings. This way, you can eliminate the unnecessary hassle of getting yourself to a company computer for managing inventory or verifying possession of an item.

asset tracking software

Reinforce data accuracy

Equipment tracking apps are great for business because they create unrivaled convenience and immediacy. However, they’re also great as a means to reinforce data accuracy. This is because they offer a different medium for data logging altogether, letting you double-check any details put in by users through the browser app at the click of a button. By allowing users to put in information closer to the source event both in time and proximity, the mobile apps can be a great way to triangulate data and refine your asset usage records.


Mobile apps are fundamental for businesses wishing to track and manage their assets across a large number of locations, or for businesses that assign ownership of these assets to many thousands of members. Equipment tracking apps can lead to greater informational accuracy, quicker processing times using the app’s scanning features, and better communication across the organization.

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